9 11, 2020

All The Benefits of Artificial Grass Systems

2021-12-23T07:21:28+00:00November 9th, 2020|

All the Benefits of Artificial Grass Systems A wide variety of people are making the switch to artificial grass systems for their lawns. Synthetic grass can indeed require a somewhat expensive initial investment. However, many homeowners find that the benefits significantly outweigh the initial investment, and in some cases, they can make up for the cost over time! Now, you may be wondering, "What are the benefits of switching to artificial grass?" Well, that's the question we're here to answer! In the article below, we'll look at all these benefits and how they can affect you. Continue reading to learn more! Reduce Water Consumption A natural lawn [...]

9 11, 2020

All The Ways You Can Save Money By Switching To Artificial Grass

2020-11-15T01:52:09+00:00November 9th, 2020|

4 Smart Ways You Can Save Money by Switching to Artificial Grass Many homeowners all over the country are trying to find new ways to save money on their everyday expenses. Companies are always coming up with ways to help homeowners save money from energy-saving appliances to water-saving filtration systems. Installing artificial grass is an incredible way to save money. There are several ways that you can save money by switching to artificial grass. In the article below, we'll examine this further. Continue reading to learn more! 1. Lower Your Water Bill According to the EPA, a solid one-third of the average household's water consumption is used for watering [...]

9 11, 2020

Why Artificial Grass Is The Best Solution For Playgrounds

2020-11-15T01:50:26+00:00November 9th, 2020|

Why Artificial Grass Is The Best Solution For Playgrounds Playing outside is a vital part of childhood. It's actually recommended by most pediatricians that children get at least 3 hours a day to play outside. Playgrounds have been an integral part of playing outside for kids for decades. As playgrounds have progressed over the years, numerous playground materials have surfaced. From natural grass to mulch to rubber mulch, we've seen plenty of updated materials claiming to be safer. However, artificial grass has been making an appearance replacing the past materials to create a safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable experience for children all across the country! Below, we'll discuss just why artificial grass is [...]

9 11, 2020

Best Ways To Re-Vamp Your Home With Artificial Grass

2020-11-15T01:44:46+00:00November 9th, 2020|

5 Innovative Ways to Revamp Your Home with Artificial Grass There's so much more to artificial grass than merely replacing your yard. These synthetic lawns can take away a lot of the stress of maintaining a natural, growing yard.  But what else can they do?  In the article below, we'll discuss some of the best, most innovative ways to utilize artificial grass to revamp your house! Continue reading to learn more! 1. A Children's Playroom If you have space in your home for a children's playroom, then you could revamp it with artificial grass! Synthetic turf is known for being highly resistant to wear and tear and [...]

9 11, 2020

What Makes Artificial Grass So Much Better Than Regular Grass?

2020-11-15T01:42:31+00:00November 9th, 2020|

What Makes Artificial Grass So Much Better Than Regular Grass? Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard of artificial grass. Not to mention how so many homeowners are switching to it instead of natural lawns.  But why are homeowners switching? What makes artificial lawns better than natural grass? To answer that question, we have to delve into several different factors that separate the two. Below, we'll cover these factors to answer just why synthetic grass is better. Continue reading to learn more! The Cost of Ownership and Time Requirements There's a significant difference between the cost of ownership between these two types of grass. When [...]

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